SOUTH Swindon MP Robert Buckland revealed that his constituency will receive £133,688 in government funding.

This is part of the second round of the Culture Recovery Fund and brings the total amount of funding received so far in Swindon to £460,688.

Mr Buckland said: “Our cultural, creative and heritage sectors have been some of the hardest hit by Covid-19.

“I was pleased in July last year, when the government announced an unprecedented £1.57 billion support package to see them through the crisis.

“I am delighted that announce we have been awarded an additional £133,688 in total.

“When it comes to government funding here in South Swindon, I will continue to ensure that we receive our fair share!”

The funding will be split between the New Mechanics' Institution Preservation Trust Ltd (£14,800), Revolution Performing Arts (£25,000), and Old Town Sounds Ltd (£93,888).