A small housing development given enthusiastic backing by Swindon Borough Council’s planning committee could be turned down – by the very same people.

Councillors voted overwhelmingly in December to approve Bower Mapson Homes’ plan to build 11 houses in the tiny village of Badbury, east of Chiseldon. This came despite opposition from locals and the council’s own planning officers, who had recommended the plan be turned down.

The officers’ main objection was that the small estate, which would feature green measures such as underfloor heating provided by ground-source heat pumps, with no use of fossil fuels, and even thatched roofs, was entirely outside the development boundary for Badbury – and that the cluster of houses was not in keeping with the linear development of the village.

Now the application has been returned to the committee – again with a recommendation that it is turned down.

The report to members says: “The council has been made aware of potential deficiencies in the reasoning that lead to the decision to grant planning permission – the reasons given and in the way that these reasons were reported.”

It says the reasons for overturning officers’ advice are not clear enough and it could mean the council could face a challenge in court.

“The deficiencies would make the decision difficult to defend in a legal challenge," the report says.

“In light of this, and following legal advice, this application is resubmitted back to planning committee for re-determination.”

The report says councillors must consider whether the development breaks the policies of sustainable development in the council’s Local Plan and suggests it does.

It adds the estate is outside the development boundary of Badbury, relies too much on the residents getting there by car, develops the area of outstanding natural beauty without the necessary exceptional reasons and damages the character of the village.

It again suggests they refuse the application.

Peter Mapson, who runs the Swindon-based building firm, said: “All we are trying to do is rebalance Badbury’s unusual 100 per cent upmarket community by providing both homes for young families as well as much-needed affordable homes to allow younger people to both enjoy village life as well and providing some healthy diversity by helping the village thrive.”

The application was called in to the committee by ward councillor Gary Sumner as it is seen as locally controversial.

The meeting starts at 6pm on Tuesday, April 13 and a weblink will be activated to allow the public to follow proceedings.