Thousands fewer workers in Swindon were on furlough in April, as coronavirus restrictions started easing across the UK.

Many pub, restaurant and shop workers returned to their roles that month as outdoor hospitality and non-essential retail opened for the first time since December.

But with restrictions still in place, businesses in other sectors continue to be hit hard by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

HMRC figures show that 10,100 jobs held by workers living in Swindon were furloughed in April. That was 3,100 fewer than the 13,200 furloughed at the end of March.

Furloughed jobs in the retail sector dropped by 1,040, to 1,850. In the arts, entertainment and recreation sectors, 210 fewer jobs were supported by the scheme, however 760 were still furloughed in April. The number of hospitality jobs furloughed fell by 610, to 2,720.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “We’ll continue to support those who need it through to September.”