SMOKING outdoors could be restricted by Oxfordshire County Council, although there are no plans for a similar ruling in Swindon yet.

The neighbouring council is planning to reduce the number of places people can smoke outside in the county over the next four years.

It wants people to feel empowered not to smoke, to encourage employers to stop the habit outside offices and factories and maybe to create smoke-free zones in pavement dining areas.

The Adver asked readers what they thought about the idea, this is what they told us...

Kirsty Grant: “Good idea, with more businesses having to use outdoor seating as much as possible it would make it much nicer if everyone else didn’t have to put up with the stench. There are plenty other ways you can get a nicotine hit without burning tobacco.”

Michelle Giles: “I can obviously see the benefits from doing this, but the hospitality business has suffered so much already. This would kill an already struggling businesses. The town centre is almost non existent, again, this would kill it. But if the pros out weigh the cons then I guess it’s for the best.”

Rosalyn Goward: “I’m fed up up hearing about smoking, if it is that bad stop selling it or make smoking pubs and cafes for smoking only, then those who moan about it can go to non smoking ones.”

Kayleigh Huggins: “ This is a waste of time. There are signs all over the Great Western Hospital stating ‘proud to be smoke free’ yet I have to walk through clouds of smoke to get inside. Smokers will smoke anywhere, they don’t care.”

Gemma Tait: “This is a good idea, they do this in America, they have designated areas for smoking and it helps keep the place tidy as people put their butts everywhere and it’s so much worse on beaches.”

Andy Harris: “This won’t make any difference. It’s completely unenforceable and a waste of time.”

Kerry Townhill: “The government should make tobacco illegal like they have drugs. Oh wait, how much tax would they lose?”

Sarah Jell: “This is a great idea, smoking makes you miserable. The less places they can get to do it, the less people will buy it.”

Kevin Gleed: “How can you stop people smoking outside?”

Peter Daniels: “I’m a smoker, and I think this is ridiculous. We live in a free country, so why can’t I smoke when I’m on my to the shop. The people that like this just don’t smoke and don’t like smokers, I’m always weary of my surroundings and won’t smoke around people that are eating. I’ve tried to stop smoking, but I enjoy the habit.”

Liz Martin: “In Spain you can’t smoke outside bars, you have to be distanced from other people. It does actually work.”

Ty Osbourn: “Wales have done this, they did there a along time ago.”

Jackie Wade: “I’m an ex-smoker, but other than right outside a door entrance to a shop, I don’t understand how can it be managed, unless it’s a crowded area then I can’t see how they could. Especially in Swindon.”

Sharon Miles: “You can’t stop people from smoking outside.”

Kieron Horler: “It baffles me why people are still smoking when you can vape instead.”

Ian Hendry: “We have the right to do what we like to our bodies. Now I understand that drinking Carling in the street is not acceptable, nor can we accept the smell of tobacco smoke. This is a personal health problem and a public disgust issue alike, so a good debate should follow this.”

Colin Hardy: “Smoking should be banned. The only reason it isn’t is because of the taxes it brings in.”

Sean Griffin: “Yes, I agree. They throw their fag butts everywhere, along with all the other stuff people throw like cans, empty crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, bottles, fast food wrappers, face masks.”

James Moloney: “Let’s hope it stays that way. Hospitality has suffered enough without ridiculous rules like this being introduced. Get a grip for god sake.”

Simon Cousens: “What about lorries, buses ,taxis and cars then? Air pollution kills over 30,000 people a year. I’m an ex-smoker and I like being in pubs not smelling of smoke, but sorry this is a step to far. It’s perfectly legal to smoke in the open air and while the government takes tax from people that smoke telling a smoker where to smoke outside is ridiculous while we still pollute our air, our water, sadly our planet.”