POPPIES Nursery is requiring improvement after a OFSTED inspection was released this week.

The nursery, which is located on Ferndale Road, was told by the non-ministerial department whilst they knew the children well, staff did not use their knowledge of children’s progress effectively to plan for their individual needs.

An example of this was that staff spend time trying to get the large group of children to learn the day, date, month and year.

Some children in the group have limited language and understanding, and most children do not understand or show any interest.

As a result, some fidgeted and did not focus. On other occasions, staff tried to separate the group for stories but they did not consider the children’s age or learning needs.

Some children could not understand or concentrate for long enough, so they moved around, distracting the children who did want to listen.

However, the nursery was praised for their partnership with parents, which was rated as effective as well as their teaching of health and hygiene practices. Arrangements for measures were also deemed effective.

The Adver contacted the nursery for comment.