Councillors will learn what they can do if they spot a resident is at risk of being radicalised by extremists or if such a danger is reported to them.

Members of Swindon Borough Council will be able to attend a training session next week on how the prevent programme, which is designed to keep people – especially the young – away from radicalisation, extremist groups and ultimately terrorism.

Earlier this year a report by Swindon Prevent Board to the council’s adults’ health, care and housing scrutiny committee said right-wing extremism is the most likely terror-related threat in Swindon.

It said the most likely threat in Swindon would come from right-wing radicals and while the Covid-19 lockdowns have slowed suspicious activity, it could also give an opportunity to increase radicalisation.

It said the pandemic and lockdowns increased scope for extremist groups “to spread hate and disinformation online".