A specialist primary school turns negative education experiences into positive ones, according to an Ofsted report.

Inspectors found that Nyland School’s staff helped improve pupils’ attitude towards education because they are ‘amazing’, ‘dedicated’ and ‘kind’.

Nyland is a specialist school for those with social, emotional or mental health needs and the school prides itself on delivering a curriculum which delivers both emotional and academic support.

Inspectors commended the team approach taken by staff and said teachers were 'rightly proud' of their work.

The latest report rated the primary school 'Good' again after its last inspection performance in 2016, the second highest rating of four.

Teaching methods for reading have improved and pupils are 'proud' of their work in maths. Bullying is rare and pupils know they can tell an adult if they are worried about anything.

Inspectors noted that staff knew pupils very well. The report states: "They know about individual pupils' strengths and areas of difficulty.

"Staff know pupils very well. They know about individual pupils’ strengths and areas of difficulty.

"Through careful assessment, teachers identify any gaps in learning that pupils might have.

"Staff use this information skilfully to adapt the curriculum so that it matches the needs of the pupil and they learn effectively."

It also noted that teachers target skills that students need to develop using therapy, outdoor learning and educational outings.

Inspectors praised the emphasis on values of trust, respect and friendship which helped prepare students for their next educational steps.

The school’s principal Paul Holroyd said: ‘I am incredibly proud of our school, its staff, students, and parents, who have collectively helped to make this happen.

‘I am very proud to work with such a dedicated team of staff who all have high expectations for our children, both academically and emotionally, as the report has highlighted.

"Equally, it was fantastic to see our team commended for their dedication to successful student outcomes and creation of a positive school experience for all our students ensuring they are well prepared for their next step in education.’

“The feedback we have received via our staff survey and parent feedback via Ofsted Parent View is testament to the hard work and effort put in to ensure this school provides a positive learning and supportive environment for all our children.”

The report suggested that recent additions to the curriculum should be refined so they are "securely embedded".