A SWINDON housebuilder is making lunchtimes more fun by providing playground equipment to a primary school in the town.

Redrow Thames Valley is currently building at Badbury Park on Homington Avenue and delivered the new equipment for children at Badbury Park Primary School.

It includes additional outdoor seating, as well as a kitchen hut for the children to learn about food and hygiene which can be used and enjoyed during lessons and playtimes. It has all been handmade from recyclable wood by the Redrow team.

Sales director Sarah Boyce said: “We’re delighted to be supporting pupils at Badbury Park Primary School with brand-new playground equipment.

“The benefits of outdoor play are endless, particularly as it encourages creativity, which is integral to a child’s education, and helps to develop imagination too.

"Here at Redrow, we are always keen to support anything which will inspire the next generation of future architects, housebuilders and designers to develop and learn – especially when it’s something as fun as playground equipment.

“It’s been great to hear how much the children are enjoying the new additions and we’re already planning what else to build for them in the future.”

School head Louise Dance said: “We are very grateful to Redrow Thames Valley for this generous donation. The new outdoor equipment has enriched our curriculum by allowing us to plan outdoor activities during lesson time which create memorable moments in the children’s day.

“The pupils have always looked forward to playtime but now can’t wait to get outside and play on the new equipment.

"On behalf of everyone at Badbury Park Primary School, we want to say a big thank you to Redrow.”

The Badbury Park housing development is on the edge of Coate Water Country Park and near Great Western Hospital.

In April 2020, a joint application by Redrow Homes and Persimmon Homes to build 300 more houses at the large site was approved

Redrow committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest.