It’s all change in David Renard’s Swindon Borough Council cabinet.

There are  three brand new members and one returning former cabinet member in a shake-up of the council’s administration.

With a cabinet of 10 that represents a 40 per cent change.

The new members are Matthew Courtliff, who takes over as Member for Culture, Heritage, Leisure and Town Centre Experience, replacing Rob Jandy.

Oladapo Ibitoye is the new member for education and skills. Previously that job was held by Tim Swinyard, who stepped down at May’s election, and was badged as Levelling Up, Communities and Place.

Jenny Jefferies takes over the Children’s services portfolio from Mary Martin, who also retired as a councillor in May.

The returning member is Dale Heenan. A year ago, he was the cabinet member for culture, heritage and leisure but resigned in the summer in a row with the friends of Swindon Museum and Art Gallery over its closure, and he was replaced by Coun Jandy.

Now Coun Jandy finds himself replaced after just 10 months.

Replacing Vinay Manro as the member of organisational excellence, coun Heenan said: “I am very happy to be in the Cabinet.

"The Council is a major employer in Swindon, and while colleagues are responsible for particular areas like roads and footpaths, or Adult Social Care, I will be working closely with the Chief Operating Officer on how the Council is run day to day, such as HR, IT, Legal, Customer Services, how the Council improves its performance, and our relationship with local Parish Councils to deliver the services that local residents want to see on their streets and in their communities."

Other posts remain the same: David Renard is leader of the council and chair of cabinet, his deputy leader Gary Sumner is member for strategic infrastructure, transport and planning.

Keith Williams is the member for climate change but is also responsible for finance and commercialisation; Brian Ford keeps the adult’s services and health portfolio, and Cathy Martyn is in charge of housing and health inequalities.

Coun Manro, who has been replaced as the member for organisational excellence had stood for the post of leader of the Conservative group, and by extension the council, after May’s election, but was defeated by Coun Renard by 20 votes to 14.  

The new members have a short while to settle into the job before the first cabinet meeting of the new municipal year on Monday, June 20.