ROAD closures have been announced to ensure people can enjoy the summer solstice safely at Avebury.

The Ridgeway at Overton Hill will be closed and there will be no access to the High Street in Avebury from 6am on June 20 until 12 noon on June 22 apart from residents’ vehicles.

No waiting restrictions will be in place and any vehicle parked illegally will be towed away.

Councillor Dr Mark McClelland, Wiltshire Council’s cabinet member for transport said: “We want people to be able to enjoy the summer solstice safely. Avebury is a beautiful area with World Heritage Status, and therefore, it’s so important to protect and preserve it for generations to come.

“Following consultation with both The National Trust and Avebury Parish Council, we have taken the decision to close The Ridgeway from June 13-30, following concerns about damaging the landscape within the site. This will help ensure solstice celebrations can be managed appropriately.”

English Heritage recently announced a plan to livestream the sunrise and sunset of the solstice at Stonehenge so people can view it at home if they wish.