A Swindon pre-school has been awarded yet another Outstanding Ofsted report, continuing a perfect streak stretching back 22 years.

Coleview Pre-school in Swindon once again impressed inspectors from the education watchdog.

The pre-school was registered in 1998, with the first inspection taking place in 2004.

The latest inspection took place on May 6, with the report published on June 13.

Coleview was marked Outstanding in all four categories - the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

The report stated: "Children are extremely eager to try new activities and learn new skills. The highly skilled staff deliver a rich and varied curriculum, that is tailored to meet children's individual needs."

It also describes the children's behaviour as exceptional.

"They have high levels of respect for each other," inspectors continued. "They sensitively encourage and support their friends when they recognise they need more help. Children play together independently and discuss their home experiences."

The pre-school and the rest of the staff are praised for their knowledge in safeguarding the children and abilities to make sure they are safe.

Inspectors also highlighted how all members of staff 'exceptionally' evaluate what children know and meticulously plan interesting and unique experiences that capture their interests to extend and develop their learning.

"All children make excellent progress from their starting points," inspectors explained.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are also described in the report to have outstanding care at Coleview Pre-school.

Inspectors wrote: "The staff go above and beyond to support children with SEND. They use their extensive knowledge of each child to provide them with the best possible individualised learning opportunities."

As this was the first inspection since the pandemic, inspectors also discussed the impact of Covid-19 with the school and took that into account in the inspection.

When asked about the outcome of the inspection, Coleview Pre-school manager Trina Goodenough said: "We at Coleview Pre-school are absolutely delighted with our Outstanding report.

"After what has been an incredibly hard few years for the children, parents and staff also the Early years sector as a whole we couldn't be more proud.

"The children have shown unbelievable resilience and the staff here have worked extremely hard not to let the pandemic affect the way we have worked and supported our children, which we feel has been reflected in the result."