A scheme to transform a town centre road into a cycle-friendly route has stalled before even getting off the ground. 

Swindon Borough Council has admitted it doesn't have the funding in place for its plans to give one lane in Station Road over to cyclists.

Work on the £728,000 scheme was supposed to begin at the start of this year, but nothing has happened. 

An investigation was carried out by Swindon 105.5 news which reported that on top of the delay, further work was needed to resurface the road, adding a further estimated £1m to the budget. 

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In a statement to the Adver, Gary Sumner, the cabinet member for strategic infrastructure, transport and planning confirmed the news. 

“This scheme was delayed until winter 2022, due to a rise in construction costs because of the pandemic.

“Part of this project will include resurfacing the road which is integral to the scheme, therefore we are still investigating how we can fund this project.

“We are in ongoing talks with Active Travel England who are supportive of the project."

Of the original £728,000 budget, £585,000 was coming from the Active Travel Fund, but it's unclear where the reported £1m will come from. 

The new path is designed to improve the connection between the Western Flyer cycle route and the railway station, and will link to the new Fleming Way bus boulevard where construction has started. 

It has been developed in partnership with businesses, bus companies, train companies, taxi drivers, neighbours, cycle groups and disability groups and is intended to be accessible to everyone no matter how they travel.

Dick Millard from Swindon Cycle Campaign said: “One of the greatest barriers for people who want to cycle is a feeling that it’s not safe for them on the roads.

“Having this scheme, which separates cyclists from other road users, is a great idea and we hope it will help people wanting to cycle to or from the rail station."

Mr Sumner added: “It’s important this project comes to fruition to help improve Station Road for cyclists, pedestrians and road users and make it a better route through the town centre.”