The attendance rate of a former vice chairman of a parish council in Swindon has dropped dramatically.

Councillor Di Rodgers has attended just one of the 11 meetings she is expected to go to since the start of the civic year in May.

Coun Rodgers did go to the full council meeting on June 28. But she has missed another three full meetings and all four meetings of both the Planning & Highways Committee and the Parks & Open Spaces Committee.

That rate of one in 12, which is just over 8 per cent contrasts with Coun Rodgers’ record in 2020-21 when she was present at 11 out of 18 meetings, 61 per cent; and in 2021-22 where she attended 12 of 23 meetings, 52 per cent.

It also contrasts with the attendance record of her fellow councillors. The next lowest rate is that of Councillor John Fuller at 50 per cent with six meetings out of 12.

There are two councillors at 100 per cent attendance this year Sarah MacDermott who has been to 11 meetings and Linda Brown with 12.

Councillors who do not attend any meetings for six months face being expelled from the council, unless their absence has been approved by the council or is due to service with the armed forces during a war or emergency.

Coun Rodgers must have her absences approved  or attend another meeting by December 28, or she could face removal from the council.

A spokesman for the parish council said: “The responsibility for ensuring that a member of the council does not vacate his or her office through continuous failure to attend meetings rests entirely on the individual councillor and no-one else.”

Elected members at Haydon Parish Council are entitled to an allowance of £74.96 per month and £139.40 per month for the chairman.

Not all members take up their allowance. It is not known whether Coun Rodgers does so.

The chairman of the parish council Vinay Manro said: “It is the responsibility of each and every elected councillor to choose how to best represent residents within their parish.

“The Local Government Act provides guidance for councillors and councils on how non-attendance is managed.

“I am unable to comment on any councillor’s reasons for non-attendance beyond what is noted and published in meeting minutes.”

Coun Rodgers has not responded to two attempts to contact her for her response.

Every seat on Haydon Wick Parish Council will be up for election in May next year.