Britney's Tears by Steeples out on Easy Money Records on March 17 Hearing Steeples' debut single is, I imagine, like it must have been listening to another Scouse band before they became the phenomenom that was The Beatles.

The single has an air of excitement, a refreshing bright, shiney and new feel to all three tracks.

Britney's Tears is sprinkled with stardust. It has some lush guitar, crystal vocals and thunder drumming but is still brimful of bouncy pop fun.

All three tracks have sing-a-long tunes and a beat that sticks in the mind.

Tight Tina brings out the Liverpudlian humour. The lyrics are sharp and witty and are sung tongue-in-cheek by lead singer Andy Culshaw who, you can hear, has a twinkle in his eye when he sings.

Brown Eyes is the third track and shows the softer side of Steeples with a lilting melody, some gorgeous crunching guitar from Danny Rankin and a catchy chorus.

Andy and Danny write the songs and have that special magic that I feel will take them to number one in the UK charts.

I can't wait for the album. - Flicky Harrison