Sophie Hawkins is a Tigershark's swimmer, winning twice at the Summer League Championships last year. This is her fitness regime.

HEIGHT: 5ft 5in

WEIGHT: 7 stones

HEALTH/FITNESS AIMS FOR 2008: To maintain my health and fitness levels throughout the year. My main goal for the year is to secure a place in the finals at nationals.

WHAT DO YOU DO TO KEEP FIT? I swim a lot. I train nine times a week, which is about 17 hours in total.

WHY DO YOU DO IT? I swim because I am good at it. It is my main hobby and I enjoy it more than any other activity.

WHAT ARE YOUR EATING AND DRINKING HABITS? I eat a healthy diet that is high in carbohydrates and protein. This gives me plenty of energy for all of my swimming.

DIET VICES? I don't have any diet vices, but as I said before I have a diet that is rich in carbohydrates and protein.

HOW IS YOUR HEALTH? I consider myself to be a very healthy person, as you would have to be to keep swimming as much as I do!

DO YOU TAKE PART IN COMPETITIVE SPORT? Yes, I take part in many competitions such as the National Youth Championships.