A ROYAL visit has marked the start of a campaign to encourage Swindon businesses to promote The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

The Earl of Wessex attended an event at Lydiard Park yesterday.

The council has held the licence to deliver the award across the borough for the last 35 years.

And more than 1,500 young people have enrolled on the personal development programme in that time.

Now the council and some local businesses have made the award available to their employees and it is hoped more businesses will follow suit.

Prince Edward said: "It is quite remarkable how an award can change lives.

"It is so positive and allows employees to make a big difference to their companies.

"It is fantastic that Swindon has developed its distinctive youth policy."

At the event John Cullum, the chairman of the New Swindon Company, spoke about the benefits of the award to businesses and employees.

He said: "It is about adopting key skills of employability, including self confidence and decision-making."

Donna Maidment, of car dealer Dick Lovett, who is a gold award holder, said: "It was life changing.

"I learnt to play the guitar and also helped out at the Prospect Hospice shop on Saturdays.

"I really developed my leadership skills. It gave me a real sense of achievement."

Coun David Sammels (Con, St. Philip), who accompanied Prince Edward during the visit, is youth champion at the council and a gold award holder himself.

"I have very fond memories of participating in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award," he said.

"The award is accessible to everyone regardless of their background or ability, and provides you with the kind of experiences you simply don't get at school."

The prince met 24 pupils from St Joseph's Catholic College, Ridgeway School and the Open Award Centre, who are currently working towards their awards.

Geoff Hogg, the director of services to children and young people at the council, said: "Through a commitment to its programmes, young people acquire self-reliance and a sense of responsibility to others, both essential qualities of citizenship, which is why businesses will find this programme an important vehicle for staff development."

To find out more about the award, Swindon Council's award office can be contacted on 01793 466546 or email theaward@swindon.gov.uk.