WEMBLEY Stadium played host to a clutch of Swindon primary school pupils - thanks to some enterprising college students.

The trip was arranged as part of the A-Level coursework of New College leisure studies students Janine Richmond and Linford Webb.

"We contacted the stadium through its website and things took off from there," said Janine.

"We had a guided tour in the morning and in the afternoon they took part in a Wembley themed numeracy and literacy session including a quiz about the stadium.

"The Year 6 students also got a goody bag with information about local football coaching and hopefully it might encourage them to get involved with clubs around Swindon.

"I thought the event was excellent, the children were very polite and well-behaved. It was quite stressful and we did have a lot to do.

"It made us think about the amount of work that goes into organising an event. We had so much support and that really helped.

"Twilight Football, Football in the Community and the Council made a donation of £700 to help with the cost and Citrus Design and Print Ltd printed our leaflets for free which was fantastic."

Linford said: "We hoped the event and the tour would inspire the children to get active and play football with the hope that they could one day in the future, be playing at Wembley."