WROUGHTON: A car park which serves a children’s playground in Overtown could be built on with four large houses going up.

Hynes Homes has put in the plan to build four detached houses (pictured), styled in the manner of early 20th century homes, on the parking spaces on Comet Way on the corner with Beranburh Field.

Two of the houses would face onto Comet Way and two onto Beranburh Field. All would have four bedrooms and an integrated garage.

The developer says: “This proposal would create attractive and high quality family dwellings for the local area.

“The proposed scheme design in terms of its size, scale, materials, appearance, access and landscaping, have all been carefully conceived, and would reflect the design intention of creating a development of high-quality contemporary homes utilising traditional materials and detailing.

“It would introduce attractive, residential accommodation for families within the existing community.”

STRATTON ST MARGARET:  Planners have refused permission to Joseph Mazzotta to build two houses on the rear garden of River Wood, West End Road.

The garden extends behind the property and behind the neighbouring property Sunnyside, to border Tilley’s Lane. The plan was to build the houses behind both existing properties on  West End Road, with the access to both off Tillery’s Lane.

But planners said the scheme was overbearing to the neighbouring house, and the access  so near the junction with West End Road was not well enough designed to ensure there was no hazard on the highway.

GORSE HILL:  Planners at Swindon Borough Council have turned down M Guvercin’s plan to extend the flats above three shops at 18-22 Cricklade Road, just at the junction with Caulfield Road.

Mr Guvercin’s plan was to put extend the flats from the back, accessible via an external staircase and catwalk. It would allow the living space at the front of the apartments to be much enlarged.

But planners said: “The excessive scale and the dominant appearance would result in unsympathetic and incongruous development with a detrimental impact on residential properties, with overshadowing, loss of outlook and loss of privacy.”

EXTENSIONS: Applications have been made to build extensions to houses, ort to build outbuildings or convert garages and lofts into habitable rooms at:  37 Hesketh Crescent, Old Town; 7 Evelyn Street, Old Town; 28 Rawston Close Nythe; 18 manor Crescent, Moredon; 25 Spencer Close, The Prinnels Lydiard Tregoze; 31 Collett Avenue, Rodbourne Cheney; 2 Ashen Copse Road, Wroughton; 15 Tees Close, Haydon Wick; 108 Beechcroft Road, Upper Stratton; 83 Thornhill Drive, St Andrews Ridge (retrospective); 3 Reynolds Way, St Andrews Ridge; 10 Congress Close, Grange Park.

Such applications have been approved for :  23 Swindon Road, Wroughton; 135 Oxford Road, Stratton St Margaret; 16 Sandown Avenue, Lakeside; 18 Stancombe Park, Westlea; 30 Cranborne Chase, taw Hill; 4 Bletchley Close, Eldene; 34 Moredon Road, Moredon; 44 March Close, Abbey Mead; 11 Hunt Street Old Town; 12 Pearl Road, Middleleaze; 62 Beechcroft Road, Upper Stratton; 7 Capesthorne Drive, Haydon Wick; The Long Barn, 2 Back Lane, Blunsdon; 13 Kingsley Way, Queensfield.

A plan put in by a Mr Khalzi of 44 Beckhampton Street for two-storey extensions at the rear and side and a single storey rear extension has been refused permission.

Planners felt it was too big for the host property and would overbear neighbours, creating  “an increased sense of enclosure” and the loss of daylight and sunlight.

An application for retrospective permission lodged by a Mr J Hunt for an already existing two-storey rear extension, games room and conversion of the garage at Sunnyside, West End Road Stratton St Margaret has been withdrawn.