Plans for 410 new homes have triggered fears roads, doctors surgeries, schools and local infrastructure will be overloaded.

The backlash follows a public consultation on developing the site near Royal Wootton Bassett last year by David Wilson Homes Southern, which originally proposed 450 homes on the site east of Woodshaw.

Along with the homes, the plan is for a primary school and green spaces like meadows and community orchards.

The developers say due to lack of support at public consultation and uncertainty over its ownership and management the park and ride aspect has been removed from the scheme.

There are also big changes to surrounding roads proposed, including a new three-arm roundabout on Swindon Road to the north of the site with new junctions on the western and southern sides.

But these plans have been met with fierce opposition with around 300 comments on the application.

One comment says: “If you add 410 homes in this particular area, no matter how good you think the roads layout is, you will make life miserable for countless people driving to the heart of North Wiltshire.

“You only have to consider the recent dreadful traffic problems when Royal Wootton Bassett High Street was being resurfaced. Do not build where proposed!”

It adds: “Two doctors surgeries in Royal Wootton Bassett are already overstretched and cannot cope with demand.”

And questions the need of a primary school: “Since Royal Wootton Bassett has a number of mature housing developments whose children have grown up and gone away, surely we don’t need yet another primary school?”

Fears of destroying wildlife habitats have also been raised.

The proposals include around two hectares of land for a new primary school along with some sports pitches.

The development will be built over five years from consent and will include 164 affordable homes.

The plans also include a toucan crossing at the Bincknoll Lane roundabout to the south west of the site and a cycle path from the site to the Royal Wootton Bassett to Swindon cycleway operating to the north of the A3102.

The diversion of Bincknoll Lane (East) into the site will require the introduction of a new priority-controlled junction and widening of Bincknoll Lane (East).

A spokesperson for David Wilson Homes Southern said: “The development will deliver significant investment towards local services and infrastructure, while helping to meet the demand for new homes in Wiltshire.

“The designs have been shaped by local feedback during consultation resulting in fewer homes to be built whilst increasing the amount of public open space in the plans.”