The government has revealed when people will receive their state pension, benefits, or £150 cost of living payments next month.

There will be no bank holidays in July so benefits will be paid on their normal dates to claimants.

The following list outlines the regular payment dates for different types of income support:

• Attendance Allowance - every four weeks

• Carer’s Allowance - weekly in advance or every four weeks

• Child Benefit - every four weeks, or weekly for single parents, or if a claimant or their partner receives certain benefits

• Disability Living Allowance - every four weeks

• Employment and Support Allowance - every two weeks

• Income Support - every two weeks

• Jobseeker’s Allowance - every two weeks

• Pension Credit - every four weeks

• Personal Independence Payment - every four weeks

• Tax credits, such as Working Tax Credit - every four weeks or weekly

• Universal Credit - every month.

As for state pensions, they too will be issued on their usual payment date of every four weeks.

To find out what day of the week the pension payout will arrive, pensioners can check the last two digits of their National Insurance number.

The digits 00 to 19 receive payment on Monday, while payments for numbers ending in 20 to 39 come on Tuesday, then 40 to 59 on Wednesday, 60 to 79 on Thursday, and 80 to 99 on Friday.

Last but not least, the one-off £150 cost of living payment is going out to people who receive certain disability benefits.

The payments are being made until July 4.

Some people will receive the money after July 4, if they were still waiting for confirmation as to whether they were eligible for a qualifying benefit on April 1.

These are the qualifying benefits: Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Attendance Allowance, Scottish Disability Benefits (Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment), Armed Forces Independence Payment, Constant Attendance Allowance, and War Pension Mobility Supplement.