A quiet American society that has been in Swindon for almost 100 years has installed a defibrillator. 

Moose International is a fraternity that originated in the United States but spread worldwide and has had a presence in Swindon since 1929

It currently has a hall in Eastcott Road, Old Town, which was built in 1964 and has developed over the years to include a kitchen, licensed bar, a small stage and a car park. 

It is available to hire and has been used by Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, baby and toddler groups, line dancing and the Women's Institute. It also rents out the car parking spaces during office hours. 

This provides the organisation with enough income to donate to local charities.

A spokesperson for Moose International said: "The last 3 years has enabled us to donate £10,000 per year to Charities such as Brighter Futures Radiotherapy and SCBU appeals, Dressability, Open Door, Swindon Food Bank, TWIGS, Swindon Deaf Children’s Society, Prospect Hospice, SWIAS, Swindon Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Swindon Guide Dogs for the Blind, Youth Adventure Trust and many more."

But its recent philanthropic effort was purchasing and installing a defibrillator at its hall earlier this year, with the organisation now wishing to let people know the life-saving equipment is there - should they need it. 

"Our aims are to forge bonds of friendship and to foster mutual aid among our members, to encourage good citizenship and kindly feelings between people of all nations," the spokesperson added. 

"We are not particularly good at blowing our own trumpet, so we find that our presence is often unknown.

"We are formed of members of like-minded individuals who wish to form friendships, attend social events and make a difference in the lives of the community we live in through our charitable works.

"Members pay a yearly fee of £30 and can enjoy the benefits of a lunch club, lodge nights with guest speakers, dining events with entertainment, bingo and line dancing, all amongst a friendly welcoming group."

The origins of Moose were from a Welsh man going out to America where he observed moose in the wild and was struck by how they didn't shun the elderly, young or weak but protected them within their herd.

The basic principles of Moose were born and the first lodges were in America before he returned to England and founded more lodges there.

Swindon Lodge was formed in 1929 by Swindon locals and all current members are UK residents

There are lodges worldwide and all are affiliated with the USA Moose.