A violent offender who slashed his victim in the face from mouth to ear - scarring him for life - has been jailed for nine years.

Swindon man Martin MacDonald approached a man in his 30s at the back of Culvery Court at around 5.50pm on Thursday, May 18.

He put his victim in a headlock before using a knife to cut his face, resulting in a 10cm long, deep gash from the victim’s mouth to ear that required stitches.

The 42-year-old, of no fixed abode, was sentenced for section 18 GBH, possession of a weapon in a public place and possession of a Class B drug at Swindon Crown Court on Thursday, September 8.

Swindon Advertiser: Martin McDonald has been jailed for nine years.Martin McDonald has been jailed for nine years. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

CCI for CID James Purcell said: “MacDonald is an extremely violent offender who deliberately slashed his victim’s face leaving him with permanent disfigurement.

“The impact of this kind of incident on an individual doesn’t just stop at the physical injuries, but it can also impact how they go about their daily life.

“I am pleased that this individual has been given a custodial sentence to reflect the seriousness of his actions, and hope that it will act as a deterrent to others as violence of this nature will not be tolerated.”

MacDonald will have to serve two thirds of his sentence before being referred to the parole board.