Swindon residents fear flooding could take place for the third year in a row after their local waterway has been left filled with rubbish.

Josephine Gulliford of Melksham Close, Penhill lives next to Haydon Wick Brook and has experienced firsthand the issues of flooding.

She claims the waterway has been a dumping ground for years and is left overgrown, causing the brook to overfill and flood, damaging nearby houses and gardens.

Swindon Advertiser: Josephine Gulliford at the Haydon Wick Brook which has twice flooded in the past two years.Josephine Gulliford at the Haydon Wick Brook which has twice flooded in the past two years. (Image: Dave Cox)

After two years of flooding in October, locals are now bracing themselves that it will happen again if the brook is not cleared out of detritus.

“I am worried it's going to happen again and this year it could come into the house,” said Josephine.

“The cost alone would be crippling because we have only had our flooring down since 2019 which was expensive.

“My neighbours are also panicking as October approaches."

Swindon Advertiser: Rubbish has been left in Haydon Wick Brook.Rubbish has been left in Haydon Wick Brook. (Image: Dave Cox)

The 66-year-old reported the problem to Swindon Borough Council earlier this year and says she was told it would be dealt with by May 31.

“It still hasn’t been dealt with and it is so disgusting and overgrown with loads of rubbish in it,” she said.

“There has been a wooden table top, big plastic toys for kids and there is just general waste which looks like someone has just emptied a black bin bag into the water.

“The overgrowing foliage and rubbish all stops the brook from flowing properly.

Swindon Advertiser: Josephine is worried that the waterway may flood and damage her house.Josephine is worried that the waterway may flood and damage her house. (Image: Dave Cox)

“I feel really let down by the council because of the amount of how many times we have reported this.”

The flooding in October 2021 and 2022 resulted in gardens and homes being severely damaged.

“My neighbours went to fish the rubbish out the second time it flooded and the water was up to their waists,” said Josephine.

“It flooded all the gardens and all of my plants were ruined.

Swindon Advertiser: Empty cans of alcohol, bottles and other litter could be seen in Haydon Wick Brook.Empty cans of alcohol, bottles and other litter could be seen in Haydon Wick Brook. (Image: Dave Cox)

“We had to replace all of the plants and it cost around £500 which is a lot of money for someone else’s error.”

When asked about the issue, SBC said that it was a Central Swindon North Parish Council matter.

Bu a spokesperson for the parish said: "The parish council does not currently clear waterways as part of our grounds maintenance agreement with SBC.

"We do however where we can remove rubbish from banks.

"We understand residents’ concerns with flooding, particularly as we head into Autumn.

"Any matters raised we have reported to the Environment Agency & SBC."

"We will continue to press for action on behalf of residents as much as practicable.”