Auntie and nephew duo Chloe White and Archie Husband were two of the Swindon locals who abseiled down the side of the Great Western Hospital to raise money for the charity Brighter Futures.

And the pair say they did it to give back to the hospital, which cared for Chloe’s dad when he battled cancer twice.

“I think it was my mum who found out about the abseil and said to me jokingly ‘will you do it?’ and for some crazy reason I agreed,” said 26-year-old Chloe ahead of the challenge on September 16.

“As a family we always have to try and participate in any event for Brighter Futures when we can just because of the amazing work they do really,” she added.

Brighter Futures is the charity for Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust that funds improvements to the hospital environment, new equipment and research.

Last year, the charity raised £2.9 million to open a radiotherapy centre in Swindon.

Swindon Advertiser: Chloe and Archie (on the far right) say they are doing this for their whole family.Chloe and Archie (on the far right) say they are doing this for their whole family. (Image: Jill White)

“It's all for my dad really,” said Chloe.

“He has had cancer twice and both times it's been through Great Western that it's been diagnosed really quickly. They have literally been lifesaving.

“He had to travel to Oxford every day at the time when he had his treatment, but I think what Brighter Futures have done since with the radiotherapy centre is incredible.

“If that centre had been around when my Dad was facing cancer, I know it would have been absolutely life changing,” she explained.

Both Chloe and 12-year-old Archie held their nerve as they abseiled 90 feet down the hospital.

Swindon Advertiser: 12-year-old Archie has been described by his family as 'fearless'.12-year-old Archie has been described by his family as 'fearless'. (Image: Jill White)

“I’m not that nervous yet, but I think when I'm at the top I might be,” Chloe told the Adver before the event.

“But Archie’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so I’ll definitely be the most scared out of the two of us. He’s not bothered in the slightest,” she laughed.

Along with the profits from a danceathon that Chloe’s mother Jill is organising, the family hope to raise £300 in total.

So far, £8,636 has been raised by abseilers, and £225 of this has come from the family duo.

“They haven’t done anything like this before. I’m so proud,” said Jill White, Chloe’s mum.

You can continue to donate to Chloe and Archie's cause here.