He went into a restaurant to eat a tasty meal
He chattered and laughed that's how he did feel.
He drank a glass of red wine that made him feel so good.
So for his second helping he ate a load of pud
But as the night went on he couldn't but resist.
Another glass of red wine that made his brain twist.
He chattered on and on just like a village vicar.
But oh my goodness gracious his face became much sicker.
He said with a smile I must make tracks
Only to go outside and trip between the cracks
He laughed and laughed and laughed.
Until he went out like a light to find out in the morning he'd got a bigger fright
His poor old foot was swollen just like a large balloon.
He then found himself sitting in a doctor's waiting room.
The doctor said with a smile what have you done old boy.
We'll have to put your foot in plaster! You know it's not a toy.
Then out he came with a hop crutches under his arms.
To find himself being waited on then he put on those boyish charms.
He then said with a grunt I know I shouldn't have had that last glass of red wine that me feel so bad.
But now his broken foot is healing and the pain has almost gone.
But to drink another glass of red wine oh he said I must decline.