A 15-year-old boy was arrested by plain-clothes police officers after a theft from Greggs.

The incident happened at the Hathaway Retail Park in Chippenham on Thursday evening as officers stopped a number of youths for anti-social behaviour.

Along with the theft from Greggs, other youths were seen pushing shopping trolleys into the road in front of vehicles and acting in an intimidating manner.

The operation was held at the retail park after reports of ongoing anti-social behaviour and shoplifting.

Sergeant Jamie Ball said: “We are aware of an increased number of anti-social behaviour-related incidents in Hathaway Retail Park and the local area over the past few weeks, and in the lead-up to Christmas we will be continuing to run plain clothes operations like this one to target those causing a nuisance and committing crime in the area.

“It is totally unacceptable behaviour and is causing issues for local businesses and those wishing to shop and enjoy the area.

“Anyone found to be acting in an anti-social manner or committing offences will be dealt with robustly.”

If you witness any incidents of concern at any of our local supermarkets, town centres or retail parks over the festive period please call 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.”