A prolific thief from Swindon has been jailed for more than a year.

Darren Moore, of no fixed address in South Marston, admitted to 18 counts of theft and one assault by beating charge at Swindon Magistrates Court on November 30.

The 33-year-old stole laundry products worth £52 from Wilko on July 30, 2023, then took three bottles of TVO spirits worth £33 altogether from the North Swindon Orbital Shopping Park Asda on September 26, and two hot bakes and a drink worth £10 from Morrisons on October 11.

He then started a shoplifting spree by stealing laundry tablets worth £50.45 from the Beechcroft Road Co-op on October 24.

On October 25, he stole two coats worth £350 altogether from JD Sports, shoplifted various goods worth £44.80 from a shop on Brayden Court in Penhill on October 29, then returned to JD Sports on Halloween to steal two North Face jackets worth £350.

Swindon Advertiser: Darren MooreDarren Moore (Image: Wiltshire Police)

He focused most of his attention on a Swindon Tesco Express, where he stole confectionery worth a total of £474 across several visits.

First, he shoplifted four Yankee candles and some chocolate to the value of £100 on November 12, returned on the same day to take £64 worth of further chocolate, did not pay for chocolate worth £112 on November 16 and then returned again on November 18 to steal the same value of chocolate before coming back the next day to steal chocolate worth £50, and taking chocolate worth £36 on November 22, 2023,

From the same supermarket, he also stole coffee and a pack of Fridge Raiders worth a total of £37.50 on November 17, meat of an unknown value on November 25, and £60 worth of items on November 27.

During the rest of this spree, Moore stole two bottles of alcohol worth £26.50 from a Swindon Iceland on November 15, a £99 hoover from the Ocotal Way Tesco Extra on November 18, aand laundry products worth £47 from a Swindon Co-op on November 19.

He also admitted to assaulting a police officer in Swindon on October 18.

He had previously received a suspended prison sentence which activated after he was convicted of these newer crimes, which are considered to be so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified, and he has a previous criminal record for similar offences.

For these reasons, Moore has now been sent behind bars for a total of 59 weeks, receiving prison sentences of 21, 13, 13, and 12 weeks respectively for his various crimes.