Two members of the public have been fined £400 for fly tipping when a witness to an incident received a reward for their help.

A resident from Calne was handed the large fixed penalty notice after a witness spotted them fly-tipping at a Sainsbury's in Calne.

The waste was tipped next to a no-fly tipping sign and consisted of cardboard, household and food waste.

The witness recorded all the relevant details and was given a £100 shopping voucher as part of Wiltshire Council’s We’re Targeting Fly-tippers campaign. The campaign urges members of the public to assist Wiltshire Council in catching fly-tippers.

A resident from Southampton was also handed a fine after CCTV caught them dumping waste next to recycling bins in a Sainsbury’s car park in Royal Wootton Basset.

Both of the car parks where the waste was left have become fly-tipping hot spots according to Wiltshire Council. These fines as well as others have been handed out in an attempt to discourage the public from this kind of behaviour.

Cllr Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Highways and Street Scene, said: “Whether it’s a car park or the countryside, we are committed to tackling environmental crimes such as fly-tipping.

“We have invested significant sums in equipment and officers to crackdown on fly-tipping in Wiltshire, as part of our Business Plan commitment and zero-tolerance approach.

“Our We’re Targeting Fly-tippers (WTF) campaign is affecting reducing fly-tipping in Wiltshire, but the fight continues and our message is clear – we will take action and prosecute fly-tippers.

"We also offer rewards for information that leads to a successful fly-tipping prosecution or fine, and I’d like to thank the witness in this case who helped us to secure the FPN.

“Recycling banks can attract significant amounts of fly-tipping over the Christmas period, and I would advise anyone to think twice before dumping waste at locations like this.”

Wiltshire Council urge members of the public to report any incidents and are trying to reduce the amount of fly-tipping going on in the county. The offence can be reported through the Wiltshire Council website.

Members of the public can receive a gift voucher of up to £200 if they successfully report fly-tipping and either a fine is handed out of the person in question is successfully prosecuted.