A man from West Swindon has been charged after a police raid on his house found two samurai swords.

Wiltshire Police conducted the drugs raid at a property in Toothill on Wednesday, December 6, after they were given a tip-off about alleged criminal activity at the address.

Fraser Simpson, 48, of Bellver, Toothill, has been charged with possession of an offensive weapon in private and possession of a controlled drug, namely cannabis.

He has been bailed to appear at Swindon Magistrates’ Court on January 3.

The force says during the raid, officers found him in possession of two samurai swords.

Wiltshire Police is now urging members of the public to come forward if they know of any criminal offences taking place behind closed doors.

"Whilst we are firm believers in that your home is your castle, this doesn't mean you can do what you want if it means breaking the law,” said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

“Our ability to carry out these warrants is often reliant on you, the public coming forward with community intelligence, so please share what you know this Christmas and beyond.

“You can report via our website, phone 101, or report to Crimestoppers at crimestoppers-uk.org or 0800 555 111 if you prefer to remain anonymous.”