Two Swindon men have been charged after a woman was seriously injured in what police have described as a daylight burglary.

Martin Coombs, of Somerville Road, and Jay Stokes, of Hallam Moor, have been charged with aggravated burglary and grievous bodily harm. The pair are accused of causing GBH to a woman using a kitchen knife.

The pair, aged 24 and 31, were set to appear in Swindon Magistrates Court on Friday morning (December 8), and the case is expected to be sent to Swindon Crown Court due to the seriousness of the offence.

The Adver previously reported that police officers responded to reports of a burglary on Verwood Close in Park North.

The incident happened on Wednesday, November 29 at 1.05pm.

A woman in her 30s was seriously assaulted and was hospitalised. The house was then searched and personal items stolen, Wiltshire Police said.

At the time, investigating officer DS Rob Prout from the force’s dedicated burglary team said: “This brazen offence was committed in broad daylight, leaving the victim requiring hospital treatment.

“We understand how traumatic burglaries can be so that’s why it is a force priority and we have dedicated teams to tackle it.”