Swindon school pupils have performed a heartwarming gesture to support an elderly woman currently living away from her home as it is rebuilt due to damage caused by mould and leaks.

The discovery of the disabled elderly woman’s cold, flooded, mould-ridden, and rat-infested living conditions last month led to an outpouring of offers for support as kind-hearted citizens and businesses offered their time, money, and services to urgently sort out the property.

Pupils from Holy Cross Catholic Primary School saw the story reported in the Adver and as part of efforts to spread festive cheer have written letters to 'Mary' - whose identity is being kept anonymous - to 'cheer her up'. 

Swindon Advertiser: Examples of the squalid conditions a Swindon pensioner was living in until the community stepped in to save her (Image: Janet Reynolds and Sandra Kennelly)Examples of the squalid conditions a Swindon pensioner was living in until the community stepped in to save her (Image: Janet Reynolds and Sandra Kennelly) (Image: Janet Reynolds and Sandra Kennelly)

Headteacher Sam Dowdeswell presented an assembly explaining what had happened and reminded the children of the importance of looking after neighbours.

"We also celebrated the kindness and thoughtfulness that so many people have shown to Mary in helping to repair her house," she explained. 

Read More: Swindon pensioner living in mouldy, rat-infested house for years

"The children wrote letters to cheer Mary up and will be planting flower pots during the springtime so that Mary can look out of her windows and see some lovely colourful flowers."

Swindon Advertiser:  Sandra Kennelly and Janet Reynolds with a skip full of unsalvagable items from Mary's house Sandra Kennelly and Janet Reynolds with a skip full of unsalvagable items from Mary's house (Image: Newsquest)The cards were presented to Sandra Kennelly, one of the people spearheading the huge effort to get Mary's home back into livable conditions, by some of the children, some of whom explained why they had done it. 

“At school, Mrs Dowdeswell did an assembly about Mary and we decided to write some letters and do some pictures for her," said 10-year-old Ziah.

"In the spring we will give her some flowers for her garden so that we can spread some joy for her."

“It’s kind to think of other people at Christmas because some people don’t have families. As a school we raise a lot of money to help those in need,” added Kacper, also 10. 

Children from the school - and reindeer - also visited residents at Wemyss Lodge and delivered cards and letters to wish them a very Merry Christmas. They sang Christmas carols to the residents and put a smile on the faces of many.

Swindon Advertiser: Children from Holy Cross Catholic Primary School visiting Wemyss Lodge Children from Holy Cross Catholic Primary School visiting Wemyss Lodge (Image: Sam Dowdeswell)Read More: Pensioner affected by mouldy home hopefully back by Christmas

Mary's house has been completely gutted because it was so damaged by water leaks and mould

It is hoped that the project, which has been described as Swindon’s version of DIY SOS, will be completed in time for 'Mary' to move back in before Christmas. 

Sandra said: “We are staggered by the generosity and community spirit that has reached far and wide. Thank you all so much.”