Residents have reported that litter is now ‘spilling out onto the streets’ of Swindon, as Christmas bin collections are delayed into the new year.

Swindon Borough Council warned the town's citizens on December 28, 2023, that there had been disruption to bin collections over the Christmas period due to teething issues with the new waste collection system.

“As the crews catch up with Christmas collections, there could be disruption to other collections planned for this week,” said a spokesperson.

“So if waste/recycling isn't picked up on its usual day, please leave it out and the crews will pick it up as soon as they can.”

However, residents who followed this advice are now outraged that their bins are still left untouched and abandoned in the streets as we enter the new year.

Swindon Advertiser: The current situation on Casterbridge Road.The current situation on Casterbridge Road. (Image: Kris Horwood)

“For the Christmas day bin collection rounds, we were all instructed to leave bins out as of Boxing Day evening reading for Wednesday,” explained Swindon resident Julian Clarke.

“As I look down my street now on New Year’s Eve, all I see are overflowing bins with rubbish starting to spill litter onto the streets.

“It’s now looking to be at least January 2 at the earliest before these bins are collected, which is one whole week overdue.”

Many residents, like Julian, believe that this has now reached an unacceptable level and that they are not getting the service they should be provided with.

"Rats are running around as black bags are everywhere, it's a health and safety matter now," one woman who lives on Crawford Close in West Swindon told The Adver.

"We pay council tax every month for that kind of service and it is unbelievable.”

Speaking about the issue, Councillor Chris Watts said: “The Christmas week was expected to be a challenge with the loss of two working days, but plans were put in place to combat this with crews working on a Saturday and extra hours available.

“Through the remaining days of the Christmas week, the amount of cardboard being collected, although expected to increase, was considerably higher than predicted, presenting a capacity issue for the new vehicles.

“Crews are working very hard to bring the service back under control. If your Boxing Day collection has not happened by Friday, 5 January, then this will be collected on Tuesday, 9 January. 

“I would like to thank the residents of Swindon who have overwhelmingly bought into the new system and apologise for the inconvenience caused by the delays."