A violent shoplifter from Swindon has been sent behind bars.

Dyari Ahmed, of no fixed abode in Swindon, has been sentenced for several offences.

The 31-year-old indicated pleas of guilty to possessing cannabis in Swindon on July 28 and October 29, 2023, shoplifting a £79.99 electric toothbrush from Superdrug on October 24, stealing five shirts and four tubes of butter ghee worth a total of £150 from Marks and Spencer on October 13, and carrying out fraud by false representation while purchasing alcohol at Abby’s Food and Wine Store on Manchester Road on October 29.

The defendant also changed his pleas to guilty in relation to one charge each of assault by beating against two male victims on July 28, 2023, common assault against a woman on October 13, and assaulting a police officer on October 24.

Ahmed has been jailed for 15 weeks because, court documents note, “the series of offences against shop workers and emergency workers, together with associated thefts, makes the accumulation of offences so serious that only custody can be justified”.

Ahmed must also pay £50 in compensation to the beaten police officer and female assault victim.

The illegal Class B drugs have been forfeited and destroyed.