A mother says her two children could have been killed after a large chimney fell and crushed four cars outside a soft play centre.

The cars were severely damaged after the chimney outside Jolly Roger soft play was apparently blown over by high winds brought by Storm Henk on Tuesday.

One of the car owners said things could have been much worse as her children were standing in the exact spot the heavy item landed just an hour before.

The 37-year-old from Stratton, who wished to remain anonymous, was inside the Greenbridge Road venue with her children on January 2 when she received a photo from her husband of the damage to her car.

No one was injured in the incident.

"The space I had parked in was near a fire escape so I was trying to make sure I wasn't in the yellow hashed area," the mum told the Adver.

"While I was doing this I told my children to stand in that exact spot, so had the chimney fallen at that time it would have killed them."

She said that the manager and owner of Jolly Roger were both there to deal with the incident but she described them as "argumentative and unapologetic".

She added that she was told that the chimney was an old decommissioned heating pipe chimney and when she asked whether or not it should have been there at all, and if it needed regular maintenance, she was told to just call her insurance company. 

"The owner's whole attitude towards me was off. He refused to give me his own name, wouldn’t confirm or deny his insurance company’s name – and wouldn’t confirm or deny he had insurance documents on him."

She said that she was eventually given the company's insurance information but only after telling them she wouldn't leave without it. 

The mum is now trying to track down the owners of the other three vehicles that have been damaged as she is hoping to claim on the Jolly Roger's public liability insurance. 

A spokesperson for Jolly Roger has stated that strong winds were responsible for the incident and has denied claims of being argumentative and dismissive.

They said: "I can confirm that due to the high winds from Storm Henk a chimney was blown down, fortunately, no one was injured, but a number of vehicles were damaged. 

"We had a safety team on site within minutes to make the area safe and secured,

"We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers but unfortunately this was out of our control.

"Environmental Health visited the site [Thursday] and were happy with the measures taken regarding health and safety."