The two teenagers that murdered Owen Dunn will spend more than a decade in jail.

18-year-old Tyler Hunt and a 15-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons were found guilty of killing the 18-year-old on Mazurek Way on December 4, 2022.

It is believed Owen was fatally stabbed whilst cycling to see his girlfriend.

Dressed all in black

Jurors had previously been shown footage revealing Hunt, then 17, and the boy, then 14, travelling from Walcot on e-bikes to the scene of the attack.

They were dressed in black, wearing balaclavas, and carrying machetes, to look for someone.

Hunt was electronically tagged and on bail for another offence at the time.

Swindon Advertiser: Tyler Hunt will serve at least 19 years in jail for the murder of Owen DunnTyler Hunt will serve at least 19 years in jail for the murder of Owen Dunn (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Owen left a message for his girlfriend and cycled near the Orbital Shopping Centre, also carrying a machete, before heading to Mazurek Way.

Hunt struck at Owen, who dodged the blow and tried to pass the pair, but the then-14-year-old fatally injured Owen.

As their victim fell to the ground and bystanders rushed to his aid, the killers fled the scene, hid in a wooded area for an hour, discarded evidence, and were picked up by the youth's mother.

Life sentences

Both defendants were given mandatory life sentences at Bristol Crown Court on Friday (January 5).

Hunt, of Park South, was sentenced to a minimum term of 19 years in jail and the 15-year-old boy was sentenced to a minimum term of 12 years.

The court heard that Hunt had a string of previous convictions which included handling stolen goods, possession of cannabis, and battery, while his young accomplice had no previous convictions.

Victim a 'mischievous soul'

Owen's friends and loved ones - many of whom wore clothes featuring the logo of the Owen's World charity set up in his memory – wept during the trial's conclusion.

A letter from Owen’s family read out in court described the young man as “a mischievous soul” who “infused their lives with a whirlwind of love and laughs”, and recounted anecdotes of his “antics”, “riotous escapades at school”, and “family holidays full of unforgettable moments”.

The tribute explained that Owen was seen among his friends as “a mediator” and “the go-to guy for laughs”, who “brought chaos and charm into the lives of those lucky enough to share his life”.

Swindon Advertiser: DCI Phil Walker reads a statement outside Bristol Crown Court, with Owen's familyDCI Phil Walker reads a statement outside Bristol Crown Court, with Owen's family (Image: Newsquest)

A victim statement that was also read aloud noted how “the absence of his laughter echoes through the home” and that hearing the details of his death during the court case “has taken a toll on [the family’s] mental health” but they were glad that “justice prevailed”.

The family hopes that Owen’s World, which educates young people on the dangers of knife crime, will be part of his legacy and “an opportunity for positive change”.

Troubled upbringing

Before Owen’s killers were sentenced, Hunt’s representative Sarah Jones KC and the younger defendant’s barrister Charles Rowe KC spoke about their clients' chances of rehabilitation.

Hunt had a troubled upbringing which left him with a cannabis habit, little education, distrust of people in authority, and difficulty controlling his emotions, but the stability of months in custody has, Ms Jones said, led to his behaviour improving.

Mr Rowe explained that although Hunt’s younger friend struck the killing blow, “there is a foundation of good in [him]” and that “before Covid, he had forged a very different path”.

The death of a relative led to the youth's behaviour changing “beyond all recognition” but Mr Rowe was optimistic about the possibility of him returning to his previous good conduct and urged the judge “not to pass a sentence that crushes his resolve and leaves [him] without a light to aim for”.

In her final remarks, the judge paid tribute to the determination and composure of Owen’s family during the aftermath of “a truly ghastly crime”, and mentioned that some of the witnesses who came forward would be recommended for an award from the High Sheriff.