Wiltshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson has called for a 'united response' to tackle serious violence after the sentencing of two teenagers who murdered Owen Dunn. 

Owen, who was 18-years-old, died after being stabbed on December 4, 2022 in Mazurek Way, Swindon

Tyler Hunt, 18, of Park South, was sentenced to a minimum of 19 years in prison at Bristol Crown Court and a 15-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Mr Wilkinson said: "This sentencing will never bring Owen back and this tragedy is something his family and friends will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

"I’d like to pay tribute to them for setting up Owen’s World in his name and using the circumstances surrounding his death to try and make our streets safer for young people across Swindon."

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In terms of what was being done by his office to tackle growing violence, he praised Swindon as having one of the country's 'leading Youth Justice Services' as well as the 'Blunt Truth' sessions taking place in schools across the county. 

"The only effective way to tackle serious violence on our streets is through working together. I implore anyone who knows of friends or relatives who carry knives to get in touch, because we can help and offer them a way out before it’s too late."