Two employees claim they are still owed money after their company suddenly collapsed and closed its Swindon restaurant.

An employment tribunal ruled last year that former Dough&Co employee Tyler Gutteridge was owed hundreds of pounds, whilst ex-manager Cajie Dias was due thousands.

But the pair say that months on from the rulings they haven't received any money.

Dough&Co had several restaurants around the UK, and opened a new store at Swindon's Regent Circus on December 15, 2021, but closed it suddenly just under a year later with staff being told of their redundancy via WhatsApp message. 

Read More: Swindon Dough&Co staff threaten legal action if not paid

Tyler Gutteridge took Dough & Co. Swindon Limited to an employment tribunal in Bristol in May 2023 and was awarded £361.54.

Employment Judge Midgley ruled that after the company failed to enter a response, his claims of unpaid annual leave, notice pay and wages were "well founded and succeed".

In February 2023, former manager Cajie Dias was also successful at a tribunal with Employment Judge Livesey ruling that the company made unauthorised deductions from their wages and failed to pay holiday pay - amounting to a total of £3,599.96. 

Both employees had claims of unfair dismissal struck out. 

As the respondent, Dough&Co Swindon Ltd did not attend the tribunals to argue its case against the claims. 

Now, several months later both Mr Gutteridge and Mr Dias have claimed that neither have received any compensation.

Mr Dias said: "I won the case, but they are now refusing to pay the money.

"I tried contacting the Employment Tribunal penalties team but they can't do anything and have advised me to go to a lawyer.

"I don't have that much money to spend."

Mr Gutteridge added: "I didn't think they would pay it, to be honest, but yeah, I still haven't received anything from them in terms of compensation, they haven't even been in touch at all."

The Swindon store was not the only Dough&Co to open in the UK only to close not long afterwards with some closing within as little as six months. 

Between 2022 and now, this includes restaurants in Trowbridge, Frome, Hanley, Milton Keynes, Sheffield and Kingston. 

Each restaurant is set up as its own business, which meant that even though some Dough&Cos continued trading, there was no money for staff at the suddenly closed branches to receive their final pay and holiday pay. 

Dough&Co has not responded to The Adver's request for comment.