A shoplifter has been jailed for going on a spree of thefts at the Cavendish Square Co-op over the Christmas period.

Aaron Gleed, of Frobisher Drive, indicated pleas of guilty to nine charges of theft from a shop.

The 34-year-old’s first offence occurred on December 14, 2023, when he stole meat products and the store basket – worth £120 altogether – from the supermarket.

He returned to the store on December 20 to steal similar goods worth £126, then took two bottles of spirits worth £48 in total on December 27.

He also stole meat products, large pots of baby formula and a store basket, worth a total of £126, as well as two bottles of spirits worth £60 altogether on December 29, 2023.

Gleed came back the next day to shoplift two bottles of spirits to the value of £66.95 and stole two more bottles of spirits worth £61 in total on New Year’s Eve.

In 2024, the defendant stole meat products and the store basket, worth £102 altogether, and did not pay for £35.15 worth of meat products on January 5.

At his sentencing in Swindon Magistrates Court on January 6, he received a one-week prison sentence for each of the nine new offences, which also activated a previous 14-week suspended sentence.

In all, he was jailed for 23 weeks.

Court documents explain that the offences are so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified, and that the defendant has a previous criminal record, committed the offence during the operational period of a suspended sentence, and has a "flagrant disregard" for court orders, people, and their property.

There was no order to pay court costs but he must pay £350 in compensation.

Gleed previously appeared before magistrates last April, when he admitted to using threatening words or behaviour to distress staff at the town centre Boots and caused £300 of criminal damage in the store on January 11.

In 2019, he appeared in court again and admitted to affray following an incident on Regent Street in 2018 that left two police officers injured.

In 2015, he was jailed for 18 months after attacking a man with a piece of wood in a late-night brawl. At the time of his sentencing, he was already serving a four-month jail term for a fight in the street.