Residents are furious after several articulated lorries became stuck in their narrow housing estate, causing damage to grassy areas.

Narrow roads and tight junctions in the Oakley Park estate in Coleview makes it difficult to navigate for lorries, who have been getting trapped for years.

But the latest problem occurred on New Year's day, which left the grass verge churned up and destroyed, with tyre marks imprinted on the mud where the vehicle had to mount the curb to get through.

Swindon Advertiser: The damage dealt to the estate.The damage dealt to the estate. (Image: Dave Cox)

One resident who wished to remain anonymous shared his anger about the situation with the Adver.

“I was leaving for work in the morning and couldn't believe it when I had seen it,” he said.

“The grass verge was completely wrecked and it must have been something heavy and I just remember thinking 'what has happened here, why would someone do this'.

“Oakley Park is a difficult place to drive through at the best of times because of the number of cars parked on the road so large vehicles should really be avoiding it.

“But every now and then one ends up getting stuck there."

Swindon Advertiser: Lorries have become wedged in the estate over the last couple of years.Lorries have become wedged in the estate over the last couple of years. (Image: Dave Cox)

Other residents are calling for signs to be erected nearby to warn lorry drivers to travel into the estate with HGVs.

“Another articulated lorry stuck in Oakley Park estate last night (Monday, January 1),” said one resident on social media.

“This is the third one over the Christmas break and the grass verges are now totally destroyed.

“Any update on warning signs being installed?”

It has coincided with wet weather in the past few months, causing the ground to become soft.

Chair of the Nythe, Eldene & Liden Parish Council, Kevin Parry, has reported the issue to Swindon Borough Council.

Swindon Advertiser: Mud has been left on the pavement.Mud has been left on the pavement. (Image: Dave Cox)

“I have reported this to SBC and asked them to repair the grass verge,” he said.

“I have also chased up the No HGV sign as all I can see on the system is they did a site visit however they haven't provided the outcome.”

Swindon Borough Council has confirmed that changes to the signage in the area will be considered in an attempt to minimise the number of lorries becoming stuck.

An SBC spokesperson said: “It’s not clear why HGVs are turning into this residential area, or where they’re going.

“We appreciate the feedback from residents and ward councillors and we are reviewing the signage in the area to make it clear that it is unsuitable for HGVs.”