A prolific shoplifter spent 48 hours in custody after stealing Pokémon cards from a book shop.

Tracy Manser, who has been convicted of stealing from stores previously, pleaded guilty to the charge of theft from a shop in a court appearance on Boxing Day.

The court heard that Manser stole Pokemon cards valued at £55.72 from Waterstones on Canal Walk on November 15.

Manser, of no fixed abode, was fined £80 for the offence, as well as being ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £32. Manser must pay the fine by January 25.

Court documents reveal there was no order for compensation because the 33-year-old had spent 48 hours in custody, and had very limited means.

Manser has previously been convicted of multiple shoplifting offences.

The Adver reported in 2022 after she was charged with four counts of theft. All of the offences took place at Iceland between April and May of that year.

In March of 2022, she also stole hair products and a knife block set from Wilko.

She stole a total of £225.85 worth of items such as alcohol and meat. At the time she was ordered to carry out a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and handed a community order as well.