The Met Office forecasts are showing that snow is set to arrive in Wiltshire next week as temperatures plummet.

Yellow weather alerts are in place in the UK from Wednesday, January 17, and although Scotland is set to be worst affected, a chance of snow has been forecast for southern England.

This comes as temperatures are set to drop over the weekend.

In Wiltshire, current lows of one degree Celsius are set to drop below freezing on Sunday, January 14, reaching as low as minus three degrees later in the week.

The Met Office has warned that some roads and railways are likely to be affected, with icy patches on untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths.

"While the initial snow risk from Sunday onwards is looking most likely to be coastal areas in the north of the UK, including North Sea and Irish Sea coasts, there's an ongoing likelihood of some disruptive snow through the middle to latter part of next week," said Met Office deputy chief meteorologist David Hayter said.

"What we're keeping an eye on for this disruptive snow is where exactly this milder air from the southwest bumps into the cold air that will be in place over the UK.

“It's where these airmasses meet that there's a likelihood of some substantial snow for some places."