Residents have called for changes to be made to one of Swindon’s busiest roads after another car crash last week.

Queens Drive in Walcot has seen several incidents in recent years, with speeders and drink drivers responsible.

Three children were hit by a car in November 2021 and only last week on Wednesday, January 10, a driver smashed into the traffic lights.

Rebecca Clements has lived on the street for 20 years and spoke to the Adver about her worries following the latest crash.

Swindon Advertiser: The latest crash on Queen's Drive which occurred on January 10.The latest crash on Queen's Drive which occurred on January 10. (Image: Public submission)

"As somebody who has lived on Queens Drive for 22 years almost, I have seen the level of crashes rise in the past few years and they are now a regular sight," she said.

“I have also seen the level of driving deteriorate with speeding cars and dangerous driving on a daily basis.

“Please, please take care because it is a miracle how we have seen no fatalities over the past few years and one that I do not think is going to last if things continue as they are.”

Swindon Advertiser: The road following a drink-driving crash in December of 2023.The road following a drink-driving crash in December of 2023. (Image: Dave Cox)

Rebecca believes one way to aid the issue is by extending the school safety zone around Walcot.

“Around Old Walcot there is a 20mph school safety zone in place to protect children on the school run," she added.

“Given the number of children from East Walcot crossing Queens Drive at those lights on the school run, could the school safety zone be extended to include this area?”

Swindon Advertiser: Queen's Drive has been the site of several crashes in recent years.Queen's Drive has been the site of several crashes in recent years. (Image: Newsquest)

Councillors approved a motion directing the cabinet member for highways to start a review of the safety of Queens Drive “as a matter of urgency” in February 2023.

An amendment, which would have seen every 40mph road within a mile of a school reviewed to see if there is a safety need to reduce them to 30mph, was voted down.

Swindon Borough Council has now revealed that work looking at the safety of road users along Queens Drive will be considered next month.

Councillor Chris Watts, the cabinet member for the environment and transport, said: “Councillors voted unanimously last year to support a motion which requested a review of road safety along Queens Drive.

“This work has now been completed and I will be bringing a paper to cabinet next month with proposals aimed at improving safety for pedestrians and motorists along this busy route into Swindon.”