A crashed car lies abandoned in the middle of a Swindon roundabout.

The silver Volkswagen Polo has been abandoned on the Snodshill roundabout on Dorcan Way in Liden.

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police said: “We responded to reports of a Silver VW Polo which had mounted the Snodshill roundabout, Liden and had been left abandoned around 8:15pm on Sunday night, January 14.

Swindon Advertiser: VW Polo on Snodshill roundaboutVW Polo on Snodshill roundabout (Image: Newsquest)“It is still unknown of the circumstances around this.”

The silver vehicle is covered in police tape and damage can be seen to the bodywork, as well as the wheels.

The windows are broken, and there is damage to both the left and right side of the vehicles.

Swindon Advertiser: VW at SnodshillVW at Snodshill (Image: Nesquest)

Additionally, the airbags have gone off.

There are long skid marks in the grass of the roundabout, from the direction of Morrisons.

The front of the car is also much lower than the rest of the car, sunken into the ground.