A first-of-its-kind showroom has opened in Swindon.

The Electrical Compliance Collective (TECC) is based in Swindon and has opened a new solar panel showroom to make renewable energy more accessible to Swindon homes. 

Having opened on Friday, the showroom at the Dorcan Business Village will showcase a range of solar panel products and services for homeowners and businesses in the first of its kind to do so. 

Owner and managing director for TECC, Peter McCallum, is hoping that being able to get up close to renewable energy products and speak to someone in person will help Swindon locals feel more confident about moving into renewable energy. 

He said: "Something like this is not a completely foreign concept to the UK but there is certainly not something like this in the area, or anywhere near Swindon.

"The main reason why I wanted to do something like this is that customers are often unsure as to what this equipment will look like. With this, people can come in and see the equipment, they can understand it, and they can make informed decisions. 

"The way it often works elsewhere is that you make a phone call to an office that isn't local, and it all gets discussed and arranged over the phone which often leads to problems down the line when installers finally get to people's homes. 

"It can be difficult to have anyone local to deal with these issues, whereas with is, we're right on your doorstep."

Swindon Advertiser: A solar panel showroom is coming to Swindon

At the showroom, people interested will be able to see three solar panel options, three different solar inverter options and three different battery products, as well as pigeon and bird-proofing options if they so wish. 

Peter added that renewable energy was becoming more and more popular for several reasons.

"We’ve seen the big jump in energy prices last year and even when the cost of wholesale energy levelled out, generally speaking, it doesn’t come down significantly to the levels that it was before.

"This means renewable energy has some positives because it is energy saving, your bills at home are lower year-on-year, and there's an opportunity at the peak time of the year to generate a surplus and sell that back to the grid.

"On top of that, there is a carbon footprint reduction which is one of the bigger benefits to people who want to help the environment

"Finally, as the owner of your own home, it’s a big investment to install solar panels, but does add back to the value of the property."