Police snared scores of speeding motorists in a week of crackdowns on drivers.

Officers from Wiltshire Police were out and about in several parts of the borough last week, targeting some of the roads residents had raised concerns about.

They targeted roads across Liddington, Wanborough and Covingham, with one driver caught at 45mph in a 30 zone.

35 drivers in total were stopped with concerns about their driving.

Eight were stopped and will either be sent on a speed awareness course or handed points on their license for speeding.

27 were given words of advice about their speed, but were then allowed to continue with their day with no further punishment.

PC Graw and PC Caldwell were carrying out these checks following concerns from members of the public about the standard of driving in these particular areas.

A spokesperson wrote that they plan on carrying out further checks and that members of the public should inform them of any roads that should be observed.