A Chippenham barber has been ordered to pay more than £1,700 after fly-tipped waste was found in South Gloucestershire.

Baban Ghafoor,  29, failed to appear at Bristol Magistrates' Court on Monday January 8, where he was found guilty in his absence of waste duty of care offences.

The court heard that a pile of cardboard and packaging was discovered on a verge at Church Road in Rudgeway on November 22 last year. 

Officers from South Gloucestershire Council cleared the fly-tip the following day and found a delivery label for an address at Market Place, Chippenham - a gentleman’s hairdressers. 

Officers eventually visited the property on December 1 where they spoke to Ghafoor. 

He was shown photos of the fly-tip and identified the waste as coming from his business address. 

He told officers that he had paid £150 to a man to take away his waste. 

Swindon Advertiser: The pile of cardboard and packaging which was discovered on a verge in Rudgeway The pile of cardboard and packaging which was discovered on a verge in Rudgeway (Image: South Gloucestershire Council)

Ghafoor was cautioned and asked for an explanation. 

He explained that the male was a customer and the subject about waste removal came up and the man offered to take his waste away. 

Ghafoor stated the man arrived at the address later that evening where the waste was loaded onto the back of a white coloured flatbed vehicle. 

He was paid £150 in cash and no receipt was given. 

Ghafoor was unable to supply any contact details for the man or the registration of the vehicle used to remove the waste. 

Officers told Ghafoor he would be reported for summons. 

During the court hearing, Ghafoor of Market Place, Chippenham, was fined £660 and ordered to pay a £264 victim surcharge plus £785 in costs - a total of £1,709.

Swindon Advertiser: A pile of cardboard and packaging was discovered on a verge in Church Road, Rudgeway A pile of cardboard and packaging was discovered on a verge in Church Road, Rudgeway (Image: Google Maps)

Councillor Leigh Ingham, SGC cabinet member for environmental enforcement said: “This latest prosecution should act as a deterrent to anyone who fails in their duty of care for waste disposal. 

“SGC always pursues fly-tip related prosecutions through the courts and our environmental enforcement team has a 100 per cent record of securing successful prosecutions for this type of offence.

“We all have a responsibility to ensure that our waste is disposed of in a responsible and lawful manner. 

“If you hire a third-party to take away your waste, always ask for a copy of the company’s waste carrier registration certificate and ask where the waste is being taken, or you could be found liable and face a considerable fine.”

Residents who see illegal fly-tipping are encouraged to report it - for more information see here  www.southglos.gov.uk/flytipping