Increased demand for GP services in Swindon has led to a private hospital launching its own service - at a price.

Demands on local primary care services are at an all-time high with a shortage of GPs being one of the main reasons for delays in getting appointments and access to treatment.

But The Ridgeway Hospital, part of Circle Health Group, has launched its new private GP service offering patients in Swindon and the wider area face-to-face consultations in January.

Each new appointment will cost £140 for 30 minutes with further time available for an additional fee.

Circle says the length of the consultations has been designed to allow patients to fully discuss their condition or health concerns with the specialist.  

Patients can book either online or by calling the hospital directly immediately.

The GP at The Ridgeway Hospital will be, the hospital claims, able to support patients looking for general health advice, check-ups, and tests.

Additionally, the enhanced primary care offering at the hospital will also support patients needing treatment for minor, acute, and chronic illnesses.

Commenting on the new GP service, Kate Liddington, executive director of the Ridgeway Hospital said: “The private GP service represents a significant addition to what we can offer patients in Swindon, Wiltshire and surrounding areas. It will allow patients to see a GP face to face with easy access to any diagnostic tests, scans under one roof or onward referrals that may be required."