Police responded to taxi drivers’ concerns about a spree of recent break-ins that has left them out of work and out of pocket.

Owners of private hire taxis contacted the Adver to vent frustrations with the lack of arrests and prosecutions that followed their reports of criminal damage and theft in recent months.

The motorists claim that repeat offenders often brazenly target their vehicles at all hours of the day and night but do not appear to have been caught despite video evidence being sent to police.

This costs the drivers hundreds of pounds at a time to fix the broken windows and forces take time off work until their cars are roadworthy again.

Some feel that it is no longer worth reporting new break-ins to the police since they do not think that anything will be done about them.

The Adver understands that the police’s Central South Team is aware of the reported crimes and is actively investigating these incidents.

Chief Inspector Carly Nesbitt said: “We are aware of an ongoing issue of thefts and criminal damage reported to us by taxi drivers in Swindon which could be potentially linked.

“I recognise the frustration and concern that such crimes have for those who are simply going about their work.

“Not only do thefts like these have financial implications for those affected, but there is also the burden of having to repair vehicles as well as the emotional impact of being a victim of theft, which cannot be underestimated.

“Such crimes are difficult to detect and we would urge victims to report every such incident to us.

“This gives us a better understanding of the scale of the problem and allows us to devote extra resources to counter this.

“We would also urge members of the public to report anyone they see acting suspiciously around cars, and especially taxis as they are often assumed to have money in the vehicles.”

Call police on 101 to report a crime - or 999 if there is a crime in progress – or leave information anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

The private hire taxi drivers have also called on Swindon Borough Council to change a rule that requires them to have a yellow plate secured to their cars at all times, which they argue is attracting vandals.

The local authority said that the policy is in line with national guidance and a review of the Taxi Licensing Policy is currently out to consolidation.