A planned price hike at car parks around Swindon is a step closer to being carried out.

Swindon Borough Council has advertised the proposed price increases, which would come into effect on April 1, in the public notices section of the Adver.

The local authority will discuss the matter at a meeting later this month before deciding whether to give it the go-ahead.

The public notice reads: "Notice is hereby given that Swindon Borough Council intends to vary the parking charges under Section 35C and 46A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as follows: All other parking tariffs and charges that are not listed remain unchanged."

In 2022-23, the borough council raised nearly £3.5m from the money paid to it to park in car parks or on the street.

A one-hour stay at Bristol Street car park will go up by 10 pence, from £1.30 to £1.40, while a stay between six and 24 hours will go up from £9.70 to £10.20.

Those who want to park in Old Town after 6pm, will have to pay 10p more for a stay of one to two hours, going up from £1.10 to £1.20 – a nine per cent hike, though the increase for a stay of more than two hours after 6pm is just 10p - from £2.20 to £2.30 which is just a four per cent increase.

Parking for one to three hours during the day at The Planks or Bath Road will go up by 10p (90p, £1.20, £2.50 respectively).

The cost of parking in Market Street or Wood Street for a 20-minute segment of the maximum one hour allowed goes up from 40p to 50p - a big 25 per cent increase, the largest hike for parking fees in the proposed budget.

A 20-minute stay in Sanford Street, Commercial Road and Harding Street comes in just below that at 20 per cent higher from 50p to 60p.

Swindon Advertiser: List of proposed Swindon Borough Council parking charges in 2024/25List of proposed Swindon Borough Council parking charges in 2024/25 (Image: Swindon Borough Council)

Staying in the short-stay car parks in the town centre for the day will soon cost £27.30 instead of £26.

A more affordable alternative is a six to 24-hour stay in a town centre long-stay car park which is going up by 50p, from £9.70 to £10.20.

An annual season ticket covering every day of the week goes up from £1,950 to £2,047, while a 12-month ticket for Monday to Friday will cost £1,732.

Coate Water and Lydiard Park’s charges will increase again, from £2.10 to £2.20 for two hours and from £4.40 to £4.20 for any longer than that.