The following cases were heard at Swindon Magistrates Court earlier this month.

SWINDON: Leon Burberry, of Trevelyan Road, has been sentenced for causing actual bodily harm.

The 32-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to assaulting a man in Swindon on June 3, 2023.

He received a community order that requires him to abstain from consuming alcohol for 90 days, remain at his home address from 5pm to midnight in an electronically-monitored curfew, carry out up to 20 rehab activity days, and pay £200 in compensation to his victim.

The defendant must also pay £85 in court costs as well as £114 to fund victim services.

WALCOT: Michael McMeechan, of Frobisher Drive, has been sentenced for stalking involving serious alarm or distress.

The 65-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to randomly contacting a woman, presenting her with gifts, following her, and appearing at her parents’ house between December 3, 2022, and March 13, 2023.

He received a community order that requires him to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, attend up to 25 rehab activity days, and restrains him from contacting his victim.

He must also pay £85 in court costs plus £114 to fund victim services.

TOWN CENTRE: Pedro Da Silva, of Birch Street, has been sentenced for keeping a vehicle that does not meet insurance requirements on July 18, 2023.

The 42-year-old was found guilty of the offence in his absence and must pay a £220 fine as well as £200 in court costs plus £88 to fund victim services.

WESTBURY: Roger Burgess, of Warminster Road, has been sentenced for keeping a vehicle without a valid vehicle licence on June 24, 2023.

The licence of the 72-year-old’s vehicle had expired on March 23, 2023, and the annual rate of duty was £240.

The defendant was found guilty in his absence and he must pay a £60 excise penalty, a £220 fine, and £200 in court costs.

SWINDON: Nicholas Entwistle, of Cawte Mews, has been sentenced for keeping a vehicle without a valid vehicle licence on July 8, 2023.

The licence of the 29-year-old’s vehicle had expired on July 31, 2022, and the annual rate of duty was £320.

The defendant pleaded guilty and must pay an excise penalty of £179, a £600 fine, and £200 in court costs.

SWINDON: The mother of an eight-year-old boy has been sentenced for taking the child out of school.

It was proved in the defendant’s absence that she failed without reasonable justification to ensure he attended a Swindon school regularly for a week in September 2023.

The mum, who cannot be named because it would lead to the identification of the child, has been fined £660 and ordered to pay £427 in court costs as well as £264 to fund victim services.

WARMINSTER: Robert Whitty, of The Beeches, has been sentenced for keeping a vehicle that does not meet insurance requirements on July 11, 2023.

The defendant was found guilty of the offence in his absence and must pay a £220 fine as well as £200 in court costs plus £88 to fund victim services.

TROWBRIDGE: Christopher Andrews, of Bond Street, has been sentenced for driving without insurance.

The 40-year-old committed the offence in a Renault Scenic while travelling along Hilperton Drive in Hilperton on February 21, 2023.

He received eight penalty points on his licence and a £346 fine, and must also pay £85 in court costs as well as £138 to fund victim services.